Gregg-Cable House in Cades Cove
The Gregg-Cable House was built in 1879 at another location in the cove. After the last owner died, the house was moved from its original location to the Cable Mill area. This was the first frame house built in Cades Cove and was built for the family to live in and to operate a family business; a store. Products for the store were brought from Maryville by way of ox and wagon. Leason Gregg's family opened the store in the downstairs and they lived in the upper floors.

The house and land were later sold back into John Cable's family, purchased by his daughter, Rebecca, and her brother Dan and his wife. Together they and their family ran the store. Eight years later the store was converted into a boarding house.
Becky Cable's family hunted wild game, picked and preserved blackberries, blueberries and raspberries. They also raised hogs and grew their own flower, spice, and herb garden near the house.
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